Sacred Sites

This is what inspired the origin of the Sacred Site Foundation of Southern Africa

The Sacred Sites Foundation of Southern Africa (SSFSA) was founded by Dean Liprini in 2012. It is the rich historical and archaeological history of these incredible places and its metaphysical meaning that inspires and drives our passion to protect its heritage.

When Dean set out on a journey at the age of 22 with a compass, a pair of binoculars and a map, he did so to ‘see where it would lead’. Well, he might not have known it then, but it led him to a number of discoveries; a group of volunteers working on sacred sites since 2002; and his book Pathways of the Sun published in 2006. Soon afterwards it became evident that a Foundation would create a platform to formalize and better organize efforts towards protecting these ancient and important places.

Here are a few more points which inspired the SSFSA’s origin.

  • To bring together a collection of people of varied skill, expertise and perspectives for a collective approach in management of sacred sites.
  • Holding ourselves to a high standard, to research, protect and develop these high-impact sacred sites mindfully.
  • To engage and include all stakeholders, including academic, religious, spiritual and cultural interested and/or affected parties in forming sustainable infrastructure.
  • To create community custodianship initiatives in protecting and sharing these sites as a product of cultural heritage, tourism and conservation in Southern Africa.
  • To sustainably develop each site and create employment for local and indigenous people.
  • To support research development of ground-breaking environmental and conservation projects in Southern Africa.
  • To collate research results on each site whilst working alongside scientists and academic experts in geology, archaeology, astronomy, anthropology, archaeoastronomy and environmental resource management.
  • To share these sacred sites in a respectful way that enhances all life on Mother Earth.

“Our foundation explores the diversity of what was and is sacred to our heritage.
With key research carefully sifting through ancient layers of lives, we embrace the
historical communities in custodianship initiatives for these sites
– bringing man, nature and culture together in the
protection of mankind’s birth right.”

Back in 1989 when Dean returned to Lion’s Head during full moon to observe the interaction between the ‘stone telescope’ and the moon, it ignited a journey of discovering across the entire southern tip of Africa. Today, almost 29 years later (and still counting) it remains a journey of observing the sun, moon and stars through the eyes of ancient man.

Dean explains his book Pathways of the Sun: unveiling the mysteries of Table Mountain and beyond, with its brilliant photographs and charts, as: “a little bit of science, a little bit of spirituality, put together in a visual form. It’s meant to provide even a child or illiterate person a sense of energy transmission, knowledge transfer and some measurement of understanding.”

Sacred Sites Tours incorporate the many different aspects of these sites with visitors and tourist. It is far more than just viewing ancient rock and highly intelligent precision. You will explore, discover and experience the connections between the past and the present. You will draw inspiration from these sites, just like we did way back when we started and continue to do!