What is a sacred site?
From the beginning of mankind on Earth, sacred spaces have been identified and used by peoples before, and since, for metaphysical and cultural rituals of religion. These sacred sites were and are held in reverence as that that has shaped our evolution. As our world commodifies itself, the Sacred Sites Foundation strives to conserve and support the historical communities with honour and integrity as we recognise the sacred relationships they have had with these sacred places.
A sacred site can be recognized and singled out as having a “sacred quality and value” to humanity and our planet. It can be land, water, people, plants or animals that deserve to be specially acknowledge, honoured, and protected. These sacred sites should be shared in a respectful way that enhances all life on Mother Earth.
A sacred site can be
Land – Water – People – Plants and Animals
Recognized and singled out as having a “Sacred Quality” and “Value” to humanity and our planet that deserve to be specially honoured, acknowledged, protected and shared in a respectful way that enhances all life on our Mother Earth.
Sacred Land
Includes Sacred Caves & Shelters of the Ancients, Megalithic and Monolithic Rocks and Rock structures Natural or Interacted with or shaped, engraved or painted on.
Landscapes and land forms that have been recognised to have spiritual and/or sacred significance or symbolism, or that hold a sacred or spiritually orientated geographical or astronomical position or direction.
Sacred Water
Natural occurring springs, water-holes and water sources, lakes, waterfalls, rivers and estuaries
Recognised to have spiritual and/or sacred significance/symbolism or healing properties. Ocean bays & sanctuaries where whales and dolphins mate and give birth.
Sacred People
All burial sites, graves and human skeletal remains.
Living and past recognized Spiritual teachers, custodians of sacred knowledge and their works.
Sacred Plants
All Natural and Indigenous Seeds
Individual Tree’s & Plants that have been recognized in the past or present as having spiritual or sacred significance/symbolism or healing properties.
Sacred Animals
All animals that have been recognized in the past or present as having or holding spiritual or sacred significance/symbolism.
High Impact Sites for immediate attention & research
High impact sites are sacred sites that are open to the public, not properly managed, and in need of a sacred sites management plan to be implemented as they see desecration through extensive pathways, graffiti and littering; the removal of sacred artefacts, the disturbing and removal of sacred soil and burial stones, human remains and the chopping out of rock art – the rock engravings and paintings of ancient peoples – as high impact sites they require immediate conservation efforts to save them. In the Western Cape the entire Table Mountain range has high impact sites, such as:
All on Table Mountain – Cape Town: Peers Burial Cave & Ascension Cave in the Sun Valley on Ou Kaapse Weg, Logies Rocks at Llandudno, Woodstock cave, Muizenberg Corner Shelters, the Camissa River and including all annual springs surrounding Table Mountain.